
My name is Zoe Marshall, I'm an over sharer and media personality. 



So I have finally launched the new site. It has taken me a really long time to get it together. I'm the most indecisive person I know so it took myself and my incredible tech Chris ages to put together what I wanted. 

It's a weird thing having a blog. You can't force it. Unless your fashion or beauty blogger and you have product you can shoot and upload its really hard to write on a deadline because a post is due. 

I still don't post anything I am not passionate about and never will. This is a portal from my heart into yours and I want to be able to connect with you all, not just because someone is paying me or I don't believe in it. 

At the moment I'm obsessed with things that make me feel good. Why not right?! The more you surround yourself with things that make you feel good, the more abundance and goodness you will attract. So the next few blogs will be tricks on how I stay happy. Thank you for all for the patience and the dedicated followers. I see you! 


That snap chat article

That snap chat article

A message to all the young ladies

A message to all the young ladies