
My name is Zoe Marshall, I'm an over sharer and media personality. 

A message to all the young ladies

A message to all the young ladies

  1. Always take your make up off and wash your face before bed (No matter how drunk you are)
  2. Cocaine is not cool, it will give you diarrhoea and that's not fun.
  3. Being sloppy drunk isn't sexy or fun for anyone except the people laughing behind your back and talking about what a mess you are the next day. Jersey shore is a great example.
  4. Don't text and drive.
  5. Make sure all your sexual partners show you there std results. A little OCD you could use condoms but I prefer this method. 
  6. Wear spf on your face, hands and decolletage every day.
  7. If you have had a big night drinking go home and drink twice as many glasses of water. Even better do this while your still out.
  8. Exercise 3 times minimum a week. It will rid you of your frustrations as well as make you feel fit and fab.
  9. Save some money each week, even a little. Its great to have some spare cash for something really important. When you have enough saved up, look into term deposits so you can make a little extra while it sits in the bank.
  10. Never kiss someone who has a cold sore. That virus is in your system forever.
  11. Be responsible about your sexual endeavours. The morning after pill is a last resort.
  12. Have integrity, if your dating someone just for their money/car/to get closer to the hotter friend.. It's just mean and will come back in 10 fold with the karma bunny.
  13. Be kind and smile.
  14. Remember peoples names. They love that.
  15. Be independent. Make your own money. 
  16. Learn your basics: how to pay bills, cook pasta, organise your tax. All of these can be very daunting if you don't know what to do.
  17. Act your age. There is nothing cute about putting on a baby voice (think Paris Hilton) when you are trying to get your way. Don't dumb yourself down to make someone feel smarter or like you more. 
  18. Sleeping with numerous people is not funny it's gross. It's not impressive to try and keep up with the boys (also gross). And definitely don't believe what a one night stand tells you.
  19. Love your parents. They are trying their best. 
  20. Don't get reckless tattoos. How many people do you think are walking around with meaningless barbed wire/dolphin or Japanese character tattoos. These are cool for 2 years and embarrassing for the rest.
  21. Don't try smoking. It's not cool. No one has ever picked up a cigarette and said "Ohh this must taste great" they think it looks cool. They don't. You'll look like a try hard. A try hard that stinks.
  22. Stop treating yourself badly. Think about the way you think/talk about yourself is that how you would speak to a friend. I doubt it. So be compassionate. 
  23. You are beautiful, thin, interesting and smart. Believe me it's a hard phase but it does pass and somehow if your lucky in your late 20's you'll find some sort of peace with your body.
  24. He didn't break up with you because your not enough. He broke up with you because he isn't ready for how fabulous you are.
  25. Try and learn how to drive manual as well as Auto. It can be very helpful.
  26. Sit in the back of cabs
  27. Don't leave your drunk friends with strange guys
  28. Offer to help clean up at guest houses. Then follow through and help. 
  29. Always offer to pay with the intention to pay. No body owes you anything.


How to keep your balayage fresh

How to keep your balayage fresh