
My name is Zoe Marshall, I'm an over sharer and media personality. 

New blog  means more of what you want.

New blog means more of what you want.


To all my wonderful readers, I have been doing a lot of research on blogs and I have realised I'm doing a lot wrong. I'm in the midst of changing it all up but I NEED your help.

What do you want more of? Less of? What would make it easier to navigate? Content that interests you? Do you like giveaways and competitions?

Anything that comes to mind I will put in place.

Just let me know. I apologise for the inconsistency of the blog. I am changing the server so its easier for  me to use.

Love you all so much and can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Zo x

Can we start to give rather than take, take, take.

Can we start to give rather than take, take, take.

