
My name is Zoe Marshall, I'm an over sharer and media personality. 

You asked, I answered #2

You asked, I answered #2

How do you find and make friends?


It's something that I struggled with when I moved to NZ in 2013. I found myself scared of being lonely that I forced some new friendships where there wasn't any real chemistry. It took a few months for me to find my tribe when I let go of that. Nothing more exhausting than forcing conversation.

I was adamant I wouldn't make this mistake on this next chapter in Brisbane I wasn't going to force any friendships. If they happened naturally great if not then I was happy putting my energy into my work and if one popped up I would be really grateful for that.

I have to say I really lucked out with some gems from the Broncos. Really down to earth, no bullshit, kind hearted girls that I love so much.

I've also met some other keepers through a series on unexpected events and I love hanging out with them. They feed my soul, make me laugh and let me be me.

All I really want in a friend is to be able to wear my bed sox and comfy clothes, eat snacks, drink wine and talk for hours. I have that here and probably why this feel so much like home to me.

I think the fact that I let go of the idea that I "needed" friends attracted them in naturally.

On the plus side- if I never made any friends and got lonely, I'm lucky I'm not too far and could fly back to Sydney to get my fix.

I do think there needs to be a "friends tinder" to make it easy for us that are constantly on the move.



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Oversharing the good, the bad, the ugly- Whimn

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